Period pain, heavy periods, absent or irregular periods

Period pain
and Menstrual disorders
Period pain can be debilitating. If it stops you from living your daily life, then it is important to see a gynaecologist about it. But even if the pain is not your main concern, irregular, absent or heavy periods are a reason to come and see us too because they might flag an underlying gynaecological problem.
period pain perth
period pain perth

Period pain Perth

What is period pain ?
When exactly do we call it ‘debilitating’ period pain and when is it time to see your gynaecologist? It is normal to expect some cramping and pain in the first days of your period.
period pain perth
period pain perth

But there are situations where you should think about seeing a women’s health specialist. For example, if you have taken over-the-counter pain relief medication and you still feel a lot of pain. Or, if you feel the pain days before, and throughout your period or even beyond the end.

Dr Tamara Hunter - WOOM
Dr Tamara Hunter

Perth gynaecologist

You might also feel extremely tired because of the pain, during your menstruation. When it is that painful, it is called ‘dysmenorrhoea’ and that condition is not considered normal.

Gynaecologist Perth

So what is a normal period ?

Let’s go over what is considered a normal period. A normal cycle is generally seen as 21 to 35 days. If your cycle is slightly less regular, with a two-days difference from one month to another, there is no reason to worry.

A ‘normal period’ lasts 3 to 5 days and can go up to 7 days. A few years after your menstrual cycle starts, it should settle into a pattern and it generally remains the same through to your forties.

What is a normal period in terms of volume? A healthy period means that you produce 4 to 5 tablespoons of fluid or in other words 60 to 80 ml.

anna clare gynaecologist Perth
Dr Anna Clare

Perth gynaecologist

Gynaecologist Perth

Causes of period pain

So what exactly causes the pain when you have your period?

During menstruation, the muscle of your womb (the myometrium) contracts and this would be felt on the first days of your period.
Period pain can also be caused by endometriosis and or adenomyosis. In this case, you would feel pain for one or more days before your period starts.

Many women with severe period pain have both these problems.

Part of our role is to investigate the causes of your period pain and to help you get a clear and accurate diagnosis.

Perth gynaecologist for menstrual disorders

Other menstrual disorders
Excessive menstrual pain or dysmenorrhoea is one reason to speak to your gynaecologist. But there are other menstrual disorders that we can help you with:
period pain perth
period pain perth

Menstrual disorders are common and at our women’s health clinic in West Perth, you are in a safe and caring environment to discuss your discomfort.

Sean Copson
Dr Sean Copson

Perth gynaecologist

An examination by a gynaecologist is important, to check for any underlying conditions that may affect your overall health in the future, as well as your fertility.

Gynaecologist Perth

Treatment options for menstrual

At Woom in West Perth, we are a multidisciplinary women’s health hub, with our own gynaecologist surrounded by a team of women’s health experts.

Our first focus is to look at options to manage pain and discomfort, depending on the menstrual disorder that you suffer from:

At woom, we look at the bigger picture in women’s health. We will discuss your health history and your fertility history as well as your plans for the future. If treatment is likely to affect your fertility, then we will discuss this with you and - if required - choose other options.

Dr Tamara Hunter - WOOM
Dr Tamara Hunter

Perth gynaecologist

This is why it is best to see a multidisciplinary women’s health team, with a sub-specialisation in fertility, to discuss period pain and menstrual disorders.

The treatment options that we choose together must be seen in the context of your ‘fertility story’. If you have an underlying condition such as PCOS or endometriosis, then that will be an important part of the conversation.

If infertility is a concern, and you would consider IVF in the future, then that will also define how we approach your treatment journey for menstrual disorders.

Perth gynaecologist

Gynaecologist at woom Perth
available to help me

Tamara Hunter
Dr Tamara Hunter

Gynaecologist and CREI-certified fertility specialist

Shital Julania
Dr Shital Julania

Perth gynaecologist

Sean Copson
Dr Sean Copson

Perth gynaecologist

Dr Bernadette McElhinney
Dr Bernadette-McElhinney

Perth gynaecologist

anna clare gynaecologist Perth
Dr Anna Clare

Perth gynaecologist

Dr Sabiha Mohamad Zakaria
Dr Sabiha Mohamad Zakaria

Perth gynaecologist

Dr Jemma Dalrymple
Dr Jemma Dalrymple

Women's Health GP

Dr Julie Gallagher | Women's Health GP at Woom in West Perth
Dr Julie Gallagher

Women's Health GP

Specialist Nutrition Programs at Woom

Nutrition and lifestyle management are first-line treatments for reproductive conditions including PCOS, endometriosis and/or sub-fertility

dietitian perth - nutrition program fertility

Our program participants get the best results! We have purposely discounted our program rates by 30% to make signing up a no-brainer.