WOOM | Perth Women's Health Hub

For women who take care of
their health

Hi, we are woom
and we are known to do things differently.

A team of gynaecologists, fertility specialists, women’s health GPs, dietitians, physios, psychologists and other allied health practitioners collaborate to create a women’s health safe space.

A place where medical expertise and hands-on care come together. A place where you matter most.

Because your health is our top priority.

Welcome to woom.

Women's health Perth

What we are known for

We do more than endometriosis, fertility and Well women's checks .
But hey, we had to make a selection.

Let’s put it this way…
Whatever your issue or condition, we have a team of experts ready to advise you, treat you and/or manage your symptoms.

Fertility Diet Perth

Specialist fertility nutrition programs!

Fertility journey workshop Perth
Fertility journey workshop Perth

Did you know? Nutrition and lifestyle management are first-line treatments for reproductive conditions including PCOS, endometriosis and/or sub-fertility?

Nick Nation, our in-house women’s health dietitian has developed a 12-week program, specifically tailored to your needs. 

Perth Women's Health Clinic

How you can get started
WOOM recipes

Fertility Diet

Nurture your fertility with these 6 recipes

WOOM recipes

Prolapse & Incontinence

5 pelvic floor exercises that you can do at home

Paediatric gynaecologist

We care for your
daughter too
We have a special interest in paediatric gynaecology. Because your daughter’s health matters too.
WOOM Paediatric Gynaecology Perth

We serve all generations. From painful first periods to menopause and everything in between.

Women's Health Psychologist

Support when you
need it most
We know when you need support; our women’s health psychologist can help you with all-things-women you struggle with.
WOOM Psychologist Perth

WOOM | Perth Women's Health Hub

Read our blog
PCOS doctor Perth

8 confusing PCOS Myths: Separating fact from fiction

PCOS can be a confusing condition to understand, especially with all the myths that surround it. These myths can make it harder for women to get the right information and support. In this blog, we’ll talk about some of the common myths about PCOS and share the facts to help clear things up.

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Gynaecologist ovarian cysts

Everything you need to know about ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can develop on your ovaries. They’re quite common and can happen to women of any age, even after menopause. In this article, I’ll explain all the ins and outs you need to know about ovarian cysts, so you can feel informed and reassured.

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So who is behind
your woom team?

woom was founded by CREI-certified fertility specialist and gynaecologist Dr Tamara Hunter. woom is Tamara’s dream to unite specialist doctors and allied health professionals. The purpose is simple: create a women’s health hub to support women with their medical, physical and mental health. The woom gynaecologists, women’s health GPs, psychologists, dietitians and physiotherapists, look forward to meeting you.
Dr Tamara Hunter Perth