Psychologist Perth
at woom
Menopause counselling Perth
menopause ?
Menopause is a typical situation where we tend to forget about the mental impact on your life as a woman. You may experience unexpected feelings: anxiety and even depression. Sometimes you would find that you go from feeling full of joy to being extremely frustrated in just seconds.
When you reach menopause, you may feel that you don’t recognise yourself, feeling a whole range of confusing emotions. That is perfectly normal and due to the hormone changes in your body when you go into menopause.
Women’s health psychologist Perth
Fertility counselling Perth
with fertility treatment ?
If you are preparing for – or embarking on – fertility treatment, then there are various forms of counselling that can help you. Let’s go over the different types of help you can get from your psychologist here at Woom in West Perth:
- Psycho-educational counselling: This is about educating you, so you can understand the possible consequences of the proposed treatment. Not just for yourself, but also for the people around you. We address your concerns, your questions, and we make sure that you get the information you need.
- Decision-making counselling: Our role as a psychologist is to build and enhance your capacity for informed decision making. Sometimes this can be about involving people, or about when to end fertility treatment. Or you may need help when you are faced with questions and decisions about unused embryos.
- Supportive counselling: At any phase during your fertility treatment (or even as you go through a round of consultations to explore treatment or to get a clear diagnosis about subfertility or infertility), we are here to help. It is about helping you deal with the experience and/or with the consequences of your treatment. Support counselling can be brief, or it can extend over a longer period of time. We help you build on your own resources to manage the emotions and the physical challenges of your fertility treatment.
- Crisis counselling: If you experience an adverse outcome with IVF, we work together to strengthen your coping mechanisms. This is relevant for women who experience a miscarriage, a failed cycle, a cycle cancellation, or a pregnancy loss. The emotional impact of losing a pregnancy after fertility treatment can be complex and we help you with self-care and grief.
- Therapeutic counselling: This type of counselling uses proven models to help you with grief, relationship therapies and psychotherapy.
- Counselling linked to Preimplantation Genetic Screening/Testing/Diagnosis: As part of your IVF cycle, you may already experience a roller coaster of feelings when dealing with a diagnosis that impacts your fertility journey.
- Fertility Preservation: Cancer or transgender preservation may be the reasons to explore fertility preservation and our psychological support helps you manage expectations, as well as the legal framework around fertility preservation.
- Anxiety in new parents and postnatal depression: As you embark on a new journey - particularly if it is your first child - you may feel emotional overwhelm. Dealing with the care and logistics is one thing, it’s also a new emotional journey and it affects how you live your life. As a partner, in your family, in your environment. Our counselling helps you build strong coping mechanisms and empowers you to be the best you can be in your new life situation.
- Counselling for donor-assisted conception: When you choose donor-assisted conception as a couple, this often triggers emotions and it is important to manage them before you proceed. We assist with counselling, to manage the psychological aspects of using donor eggs or donor sperm.
At woom in West Perth, we work together so you feel heard, seen and cared for.
Perth psychologist with a special interest in fertility counselling
Infertility counselling Perth
during fertility treatment
As you explore or start fertility treatment, you will be offered to see a psychologist or a counsellor. This pretreatment counselling session helps you prepare. Fertility treatment comes with expected and unexpected situations and challenges. Many women and couples get a lot out of their counselling session simply because it helps them frame their expectations, inspect their support network and be open about the stress that may appear.
A psychologist with a special interest in fertility will be able to help you with the whole spectrum of issues, challenges and questions that show up:
- How and when to talk to family or colleagues?
- What if I am surrounded by pregnant girlfriends?
- How to deal with distressing announcements?
- How to maintain my privacy?
- What to do about intrusive questions and how to set boundaries?
- How to manage a two-week wait when I am waiting for my pregnancy test?
- How to look ahead and think about ‘how far I will go’ with treatment?
Anxiety and depression counselling
and chronic pain
As a woman, you might be juggling different roles in your life and occasionally feel that it’s ‘too much’. At Woom, you are in a safe and calm environment to work on your coping mechanisms and to get clear about what is causing pressure in your life.
Work, family, health, and the general pressure you may feel in this day and age, they can cloud your views and a psychologist helps you understand what is going on.
If your mood is impacted by chronic pain (for example pelvic pain and period pain), then the first step is to see our multidisciplinary team here at Woom in West Perth: your gynaecologist, to get a diagnosis, your psychologist to reinforce your coping skills, and your women’s health physiotherapist to manage and control the pain.
Postnatal depression and anxiety in new parents
postnatal depression
Counselling for donor-assisted conception in Perth
If you are considering and exploring donor conception, a different range of conversations might start dominating your life. Many women and couples suffer from the external reactions and the judgement that may appear when donor conception is discussed.
So how can your psychologist help? As you go through the tests or the treatment, you have enough on your plate and enough emotions to deal with, without the emotional charge that your loved ones may bring to the table.
So if you feel agitated when others give unsolicited advice or opinions about donor conception, it all boils down to enhancing your coping skills.
Psychologist Perth
So we will look at what you feel, how it influences your relationships and how we can strengthen your ability to manage these feelings and emotions.
Psychologist Perth
Perth psychologist
Psychologist at woom Perth
available to help me
Psychologist and Women’s Health Expert
Psychologist and Women’s Health Expert