Fertility Preservation: Egg, sperm & embryo freezing

If you want to preserve sperm, eggs, embryos or ovarian tissue for the future, fertility preservation offers many options. There are many reasons for what we call ‘freezing’ – from medical treatment to age. At woom, our fertility specialist can help you make well-informed decisions.
Fertility preservation Perth
Fertility preservation Perth

Sperm, egg or embryo freezing

What is fertility preservation ?

Fertility preservation as a term is used to describe a process of saving eggs, sperm or tissue, so they can be used later to have biological children.

Fertility preservation Perth
Fertility preservation Perth
Sperm freezing is a process that preserves your partner’s sperm for a later time in life when it is more appropriate or possible to conceive. With egg freezing, we harvest and save your eggs as a woman, for future use. Embryo freezing means that your egg has already been fertilised and the embryo that was generated as a result, is frozen. It can be thawed at a later stage and transferred into the uterus.

If conception is not possible at this moment, because of age, a health concern, or your life situation, then this type of fertility preservation service is available here in Perth. Our fertility expertise at Woom will help you get clear about your options.

Dr Tamara Hunter - WOOM
Dr Tamara Hunter

Fertility specialist Perth

Ovarian tissue freezing is a fertility preservation technique that focuses on preserving tissue from your ovaries for later. A small piece of tissue containing your eggs is separated from your ovary and frozen.

Fertility preservation candidate

Who needs fertility preservation ?

There are many reasons to look into fertility preservation. Through our expertise in fertility treatment and consulting, we can help you decide what would be the best option for you.

Age is often the main factor that drives the conversation. You may feel that your ‘window’ is about to close and you might not be ready to have a baby just yet. If timing is an issue, speak to us about your options for egg freezing.

There is no judgement here. We are a safe women’s health hub with a holistic culture of evidence-based medicine and genuine care for you as a person. Whether you speak to me as a fertility specialist or gynaecologist, or to our psychologist: we have your back when it comes to discussing the big choices in regards to your fertility.

Dr Tamara Hunter - WOOM
Dr Tamara Hunter

Fertility specialist Perth

With cancer treatment, we will assess how the therapy can affect your fertility and discuss a possible action plan. This also means that if your partner is undergoing cancer therapy, it is important to see a fertility specialist before you plan cancer treatment. A single session can damage male fertility and affect the quantity, quality and the DNA structure of the sperm.

Fertility clinic Perth WA

woom and fertility preservation

At Woom, we work with Monash IVF West Leederville, one of WA’s leading fertility centres, to organise your fertility tests or any type of fertility treatment.

We focus on offering personalised care to best suit your unique situation and your fertility needs.

Dr Tamara Hunter - WOOM
Dr Tamara Hunter

CREI certified fertility specialist

We pride ourselves in offering consultations to initiate your journey and in working together with one of WA’s leading fertility clinics to plan the next steps of your treatment.

Egg preservation for future fertility

Egg freezing

Egg freezing happens for a variety of reasons and your motivation to consider it will always be respected at Woom, as it is part of a confidential consultation with your fertility specialist. With this technique, your eggs are preserved for future use.

Some women prefer egg freezing over embryo freezing because they have ethical concerns with preserving embryos. Or in other cases, if you are still young and experience a decline in your ovarian function, but you don’t have a male partner at this moment.

Egg freezing is also considered when a woman is scheduled to undergo chemotherapy.
And there are other ‘social’ reasons to freeze your eggs for the future.

Perhaps you are worried about your age affecting your future fertility. Or maybe you are just not ready to have a child right now and you want to keep the options open for the future.

Dr Tamara Hunter - WOOM
Dr Tamara Hunter

Fertility specialist Perth

With egg freezing, you do not have to state a medical reason. The team here at Woom will discuss the options with you, and help you make a plan to preserve your fertility in the best possible way.

Male fertility preservation

Sperm freezing
Sperm freezing can be part of planned fertility treatment or fertility planning. Although Woom is a women’s health hub, we welcome a conversation with you about options for you and your partner.
Fertility preservation Perth
Fertility preservation Perth

For sperm freezing, fertility centres typically offer premium long-term storage using liquid nitrogen. Under Western Australian law, sperm can be stored for up to 15 years with this technique.

Dr Tamara Hunter - WOOM
Dr Tamara Hunter

Fertility specialist Perth

These are some of the situations where you (as in, the man in the couple) would consider sperm freezing:

More fertility options

Embryo freezing

Embryos are generated in a fertility clinic’s laboratory during the IVF treatment. The usual practice is to transfer a single embryo into the uterus per treatment cycle, minimising or avoiding the risk of multiple pregnancies.

If your treatment cycle has produced several embryos, then the other embryos can be frozen and preserved for the future, if they are suitable for freezing.

What that means is that from a single IVF cycle, you now maximise the chance of pregnancy.

It is interesting to know that the average success rate using a thawed frozen embryo is higher than thawing a frozen egg. Some data mention survival rates of frozen embryos of up to 95% but the chances of a clinical pregnancy or a live birth will depend on other factors such as your age.

Dr Tamara Hunter - WOOM
Dr Tamara Hunter

CREI certified Fertility Specialist in Perth

The embryo(s) are already available, so in this cycle, you will not have the other IVF steps (stimulation of your ovaries or egg collection).

In Western Australia, embryos can legally be stored for 10 years and you can apply for an extension.

Perth fertility specialist

Fertility specialist at woom
available to help me

Tamara Hunter
Dr Tamara Hunter

CREI certified fertility specialist

Specialist Nutrition Programs at Woom

Nutrition and lifestyle management are first-line treatments for reproductive conditions including PCOS, endometriosis and/or sub-fertility

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Our program participants get the best results! We have purposely discounted our program rates by 30% to make signing up a no-brainer.